Failure to use headphones will result in awful audio feedback. You have been warned!
Alternative app that improves your hearing using your Android devise & earphones
Depending on how good your phone is, it can become a high-powered listening device (like a hearing aid).
Fitting a hearing aid is not like buying glasses. Your hearing has decreased slowly over a long time and your brain was able to compensate. You only start noticing that you have a hearing problem, when your brain is at it's wits' end. Using a hearing aid will make noises explode in your head, because all compensation mechanisms are set to maximum. Please give your brain a few weeks time to re-calibrate it's audio system...
Whether you want to listen to nature, have a conversation, or just hear the TV better, this app aims to give you superior hearing and improve what you hear. There's more going on around you than you might realise. It's time to hear it and be amazed.
** Features **
- Control in the volume, pitch, sensitivity, stereo pan, spatial blend 2D/3D...
- 11 Options To Create Your Own Effect.
- 26 Audio Reverb Zone Effects.
- 4 Advanced Audio Filters.
- All Options Documentation.
NOTE : HEADPHONES REQUIRED. Failure to use headphones will result in awful audio feedback. You have been warned!
Priority : Determines the priority of this audio source among all the ones that coexist in the scene.
(Priority: 0 = most important. 256 = least important. Default = 128.).
Use 0 for music tracks to avoid it getting occasionally swapped out.
Volume : How loud the sound is at a distance of one world unit (one meter) from the Audio Listener.
Pitch : Amount of change in pitch due to slowdown/speed up of the Audio Clip. Value 1 is normal playback speed.
Stereo Pan : Sets the position in the stereo field of 2D sounds.
Spatial Blend : Sets how much the 3D engine has an effect on the audio source.
Reverb Zone Mix : Sets the amount of the output signal that gets routed to the reverb zones.
The amount is linear in the (0 - 1) range, but allows for a 10 dB amplification in the (1 - 1.1)
range which can be useful to achieve the effect of near-field and distant sounds.
* The Audio Low Pass Filter passes low frequencies of an AudioSource
* The Audio High Pass
Filter passes high frequencies of an AudioSource
* The Audio High Pass Filter passes high frequencies of an AudioSource
* The Audio Chorus Filter takes an Audio Clip and processes it creating a chorus effect.
MaxDistance : The distance from the centerpoint that the reverb will not have any effect. Default = 15.0.
MinDistance : The distance from the centerpoint that the reverb will have full effect at. Default = 10.0.
Room : Room effect level (at mid frequencies).
RoomHF : Relative room effect level at high frequencies.
RoomLF : Relative room effect level at low frequencies.
DecayHFRatio : High-frequency to mid-frequency decay time ratio.
DecayTime : Reverberation decay time at mid frequencies.
Reflections : Early reflections level relative to room effect.
Reverb : Late reverberation level relative to room effect.
HFReference : Reference high frequency (hz).
LFReference : Reference low frequency (hz).
Diffusion : Value that controls the echo density in the late reverberation decay.
Density : Value that controls the modal density in the late reverberation decay.